Trauma & Cancer Cover
Trauma, Cancer, Needlestick & Total Disability Cover
The diagnosis of a serious illness is devastating in any circumstance, but the burden will be far greater if your financial security is also put at risk.
A person suffering from one of the four main critical illnesses (heart attack, heart disease, cancer, or stroke) has a nearly 50% chance of surviving for up to 10 years beyond the critical incident. However, in many cases this involves a reduced working capacity and requires significant lifestyle changes and costs.
A lump sum benefit can make a real difference to anyone that unfortunately suffers a potentially life-changing traumatic event.
Trauma cover for children
It’s a horrible thing to think of, but if a child suffers a serious medical trauma, major head wound, loses limbs or goes blind, the financial consequences can be severe.
Unfortunately children can’t get disability cover, and medical cover will only cover actual medical costs incurred.
The only insurance product that can protect children and their families against the financial implications of a serious medical condition is trauma cover. If you are off work taking care of your child, you won’t have to worry about money.
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
Like Trauma Cover, TPD pays a lump sum in the event of a permanent disability.
A permanent disability is a disability that is so severe that you cannot work at all for six consecutive months. In addition, following that period you are still so incapacitated by that illness or injury that you are unlikely to ever work again in your own occupation or any occupation depending on the type of cover you have selected.
Needlestick Cover
This cover is ideal for people in the health sector – it covers Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV acquired while you are working in your normal occupation.
You are able to cover yourself to receive a lump sum payment of up to $500,000 in the event of contracting Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV. This will pay the bills and keep a roof over your head if you lose your income.