KiwiSaver is a voluntary long-term savings scheme designed to encourage New Zealanders to save for their retirement. It is open to all New Zealand citizens and permanent residents aged up to 65.
The Government will contribute up to $5,000 to an account holder’s first home purchase. If you are over 18, the Government will also match your KiwiSaver contributions up to $10 per week.
Employers are obliged to automatically enrol all new employees who are:
Between 18 and 65 years of age
New Zealand citizens or permanent residents
Employed for more than 28 days
Not already a KiwiSaver member.
If you haven’t enrolled into KiwiSaver and would like to do it online, you can click on the Join button below and get sorted with AMP, it’s a user friendly process but feel free to contact us if you need some help.
Existing employees are not enrolled automatically, but can join KiwiSaver voluntarily by completing an application form.
Employees can choose to make contributions of 3%, 4%, 6%, 8%, or 10% of their gross salary or wage. Contributions are deducted from wages and paid to the IRD. The IRD then passes these onto a registered KiwiSaver scheme provider for investment.
Employers are obliged to make compulsory contributions of 3%.
Employer superannuation contribution tax will be deducted from any employer contributions. Employer contributions will be taxed at each employee’s marginal tax rate.
An employee who is automatically enrolled can decide to opt out within eight weeks of enrolment. A special form is required which needs to be sent to IRD.
If an employee wants to choose their own KiwiSaver scheme provider, they can. They are not obliged to use their employer’s preferred provider.
Employers can choose a KiwiSaver savings scheme for their employees, such as the Aon KiwiSaver Scheme. If neither they nor their employee chooses a scheme the IRD will allocate them to a default scheme. Employers choosing a preferred scheme provider for their employees are not deemed to be giving financial advice.
Employees can take a contribution holiday of between three months and five years after saving with KiwiSaver for 12 months.
Savings are locked in to retirement age but early withdrawal is possible in some special circumstances, such as:
Serious illness or significant financial hardship
Permanent emigration
Purchase of first home
Self-employed people, employees under 18, non-working spouses and children can also join a KiwiSaver scheme.
If you are a salary or wage earner under 18 the minimum contribution of 3% will apply.
The employer compulsory contribution will only start at 18.